ASO+ control

ASO-MA-100 ASO+ control 5ml Latex + (+ve,-ve) Control
ASO-MA-050 2.5ml Latex  + (+ve,-ve) Control


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Rapid latex agglutination test for the qualitative screening and semiquantitative determination of antistreptolysin O antibodies (ASO) in serum.

Liquid ready-to-use reagents

ASO reagent comes in a liquid format which is more convenient, and can also help reduce the risk of misdiagnosis


A detectable level of 200 lU/ml Antistreptolysin O antibodies is usually

regarded as the normal upper limit since less than 15-20 % of healthy

individuals demonstrate titers greater than

200 lU/ml when their sera are assayed.

In most newborns the titer is initially greater than that of the mother due to maternally acquired lgG but the newborn levels fall sharply during the first few weeks of life. Other features: Agglutination method Liquid ready-to-use reagents Stable to expiry when stored at 2-8◦C